Compliance Coach & Partner

Thinking and Impacting Compliance differently.


Thinking Compliance in the Wealth Management industry differently.

Our Vision & Mission

„Make Compliance a Lifestyle“ 

Compliance Coach Partner aims to create sustainable and valuable impact for Compliance Experts in the Wealth Management Industry by focussing on the individuals, their needs and passion to develop and contribute to sustainable Compliance Culture in the organisation. We understand digital transformation in the wealth management industry as an opportunity to value and reposition the factor human capital portfolio in Compliance to create an optimized and efficient Compliance program. 

  Over the last 10 years, the Compliance function in the Wealth Management industry has been subject to profound and irreversable changes which haven been mainly driven by three external factors: a) Significant regulatory amendments in all main financial hubs pursuant to large global money-laundering and corruption scandals (FIFA, Petrobras, 1MDB,  etc) as well as geo-political changes (Arab Spring in 2011),  b) important cost efficiency measures affecting the Compliance function pursuant to reduced margins since 2008 in the Wealth Management industry; c) the technology and digital ‚revolution‘ with a sustainable impact on Compliance processes and role of the Compliance function.

We believe that the transformation process in Compliance will endure and will force the Wealth Management Industry to rethink and reinvent a new Compliance model centered around the individuals and the Corporate and Compliance values of the institution. As reflected in our brand, we understand our mission as a Coach and Partner to address individual and ad-hoc Compliance related problems and concerns as well as provide solutions in the transformation process of the Compliance function. 

 Finally, we are convinced that Compliance experts should be coached and supported by Compliance experts only who have the operational insights and experiences in the Wealth Management industry in order to provide a pragmatic and added-value solution for the indvidual needs of the institution.    


 I am a German lawyer  who has been working for the past 20 years in leading Compliance and Legal roles for major international banks as well as in the Wealth Management industry in Switzerland. After stints in South Korea, Canada and France, I moved to Switzerland in 2008 where I pursue my Compliance career with leading Wealth management institutions. 

 To achieve permanent progress in Compliance through transformation and to create an enterprise-wide Compliance Culture, I have focussed during my career on the following building blocks: Vision & innovative strategy, cross-functional and international project management as well as effective and smart leadership of teams and talents. I understand digital transformation as an opportunity to build next-generation Compliance as an integrative part of a future enterprise wide risk management.

Based on my experience, I believe that a sustainable Compliance Culture can only be achieved with the contribution of all relevant functions in an institution on the basis of commonly agreed values and on a partnership model.

Finally, I am inspired by the capacity of humans to adapt permanently to a new environment where leaders are able to lead during challenging times via people & teams to excellence and performance. Therefore motivation and a profound understanding of my team members („the human „KYC“ = Know your colleague) is essential to long-lasting success and professional fulfillment in the Compliance sector.  


